Sunday, October 24, 2010

october 24 2010

Its so strange, having to sleep in a seperate bed than my wife. For all the times we've fought and and not went to bed together, there are so few times we have not at least layed together. Shes radioactive right now. Its strange, but its a neccessary strangeness. She had thyroid cancer. Now thanks to modern medicine she doesnt have thyroid cancer anymore, or a thyroid. They removed her thyroid but to get rid of any traces of the thyroid cancer they gave her a dose of radioactive iodine. So now for the next day or so more her touch will transfer those radioactive iodines to anything or anyone she touches, potentially damaging thier thyroid. So i cant touch my wife. I cant go near her for more than an hour or so. Honestly, i think i could hold her hand when the naseau is crippling her, just to comfort her, but she wont allow it. I dont blame her, it would suck to know you were the reason someone you loves has cancer. I dont know. Its late, i should sleep.
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